The highly efficient deep hydrating rose serum formula by IJEALOUS is demonstrated to protect skin from de-hydration and environmental toxins. Squalane can effectively reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Rose oil can retain the water in the skin and leave skin smooth, soft and healthy-looking. IJEALOUS is a Positive Superior brand to trust. Providing the ultimate quality and experience.魅力玫瑰精華露集合潤澤、保濕及修護,為肌膚提升活力泉源。獨特將角鯊烷結合有「精油之后」之稱的玫瑰精油,滋養並改善肌膚乾燥。使用後散發淡淡玫瑰香氣,舒緩肌膚壓力,由內而外維持光澤亮麗,擁有讓人忌妒的好膚質!
魅力玫瑰精華露 30ml * 2 + 檸檬靚兔清新護手霜 50ml